Monday, May 10, 2010

My Life is a Soap Opera

Do you ever feel like there's always something going on in your life? I swear there's never a dull moment. Well that's me! Now maybe I was cursed from the beginning since my father named me after one of the most famous Soap Opera Divas of all time. ERICA KANE from ALL MY CHILDREN! Go Figure!

Well I actually thought I would have the life she has on the show and in a way I do. I had quite a few bad things happen to me just like her. Men, family, success, glamour or the lack of on my part. On television she appears to have it all together, right? WRONG!!!!

You see the drama that soap operas bring to our life helps us to not think about our own drama. NOT ME! I've watched soaps on and off again for years and I you always hope for the best. You want the paternity to come out sooner than later, or the killer to be caught in the act or even for someone to just tell the truth in the beginning. It all makes sense right? Well if that happened then there wouldn't really be a need for the soaps.

So here I am talking to friend of mine telling her all the things that are going on in my life & believe it or not there's always something. I have no idea how these things always happen to me. Its like I'm a human target for DRAMA. I just keep getting back up, dusting myself off and trying again. However I just want a normal life right now. I used to live for all the things that I had going on but right now my brain can't take it.

So here goes......I've made the decision last night to make a phone call today for some help. I'll see what happens with that after tomorrow. I decided to put on a whole armor to fight these battles. I'm up against alot at this time. I can either go out like a sucker or I can fight. I swear that the fight hasn't been in me for a while now but I know I can do this. I have to fight! Just like ERICA KANE! She doesn't back down no matter what the situation is. So today I choose to FIGHT!

You can fight too! If you've lost a love one, a job, a home or just your sense of direction and purpose for being on this earth, use today to FIGHT! How do you FIGHT? Well here are a list of things that I plan on doing and they may work for you too.

1. Be honest with yourself - admit your mistakes & be proud of your accomplishments
2. Plan an exit strategy - It won't change overnight so you have to plan it out.
3. Be gentle with yourself - We are our worse critics. Try not to beat yourself up about the things going on.
4. Look for the lesson - this time in your life means something. Its preparing you to help someone else.
5. Do better the next time - Try not to make the same mistake twice.
6. Listen to your heart - It holds the key to your happiness & success
7. Use your pain as a motivator - You can channel your anger, rage and frustration to motivate you to do better. To beat the odds.


Erica Speaks VOLUME!!!